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The Beauty of Life and Death
Life is a journey of exploration, discovery, and growth. It is a process of unfolding our potential, expressing our creativity, and...
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A Sufi’s Prayer
The human body is a marvelous creation, a vessel of life and a reflection of the divine. It is a gift from God, who is closer to us than our
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The Seven Gates of the Ego and the Kingdom of God
Osho, the most influential spiritual master of modern times, often spoke about the need to transcend the ego and attain enlightenment. He...
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The Art of Witnessing: A Path to Freedom and Joy
And that's how you soar into the cloudless sky; that's how you reach causeless ecstasy.
That's how I realized and created my Italy, my ...
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Yunus Emre’s Straight Firewood
Being whole in whatever we do means giving our best effort, attention, and dedication to the task at hand. It means not settling for...
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The Importance of Work and Effort
Work and effort are essential aspects of human life. They are the means by which we pursue our goals, express our talents, and contribute...
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The Illusion of Ownership: A Reflection on Impermanence
One of the most profound and universal teachings of Buddhism is the concept of impermanence. It means that everything in this world, ...
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Gurdjieff: Ruhun Yok!
Gurdjieff, 19. yüzyılın sonunda doğmuş ve 20. yüzyılın ortasında ölmüş olan aydınlanmış bir mistik ve filozoftur. Hayatı boyunca pek çok...
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Overcoming Anger
Anger is a powerful emotion that can have negative effects on our health, relationships, and well-being. Anger is often triggered by...
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Becoming Moksha
I had been wondering if I was doing something wrong, if I was missing something essential, if I was not sincere enough, or if I was not...
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Making Memories
In Cologne, Brussels, Prague, Istanbul, Dubai, Seoul, and other cities where people from all over the world streamed in, I always saw ...
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Luck and Innocence
We were exposed to so much negative energy that everything in our lives went wrong. Before one problem ended, another one started....
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Gerçek Hayat
Ölmeden önce yapmak istediğimiz şeylerin listesi, hayatın anlamını arayan birçok insanın ilgisini çeken bir konu. The Bucket List filmi...
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Mind and Intelligence
“What can I do to satisfy my intelligence (akıl)?”
As soon as I saw the question, I felt that it was problematic, and I attributed it to...
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Sessizlik, masumiyet, güzellik
Varoluşun dili sessizliktir. Gerçek sessizlik zihnin sessizliğidir. Zihnin sessizliği ise masumiyettir. Ve ancak masum olan güzeldir.
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The Language of Existence
We live in a noisy world. We are constantly bombarded by sounds, voices, messages, and information. We are always busy, always planning...
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Kendini bilmek
Kendini bilme arayışı, insanın varoluşun anlamını ve amacını keşfetme arayışıdır. Yunus Emre, bu arayışın ilimle başladığını, ancak ilmin sa
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Types of wholistic medicine
Holistic or alternative medicine is a broad term that covers many different types of practices and therapies that aim to improve health and
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Bulutsuz gökyüzü
Seçimsiz izlemeye başladığımızda, bütünün bir parçası olduğumuz ve hiçbir şeyin aslında önemli olmadığı, korkuya gerek olmadığı anlayışı gel
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Compassion: The Ultimate Flowering of Love
Compassion is the ultimate flowering of love. This is a profound statement by Osho, a mystic and spiritual master who inspired millions...
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