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Osho: A Great Enlightened Mystic

Osho was a great enlightened mystic of the 20th century. He was born in India in 1931 and died in 1990. He was a spiritual teacher, philosopher, and author. He spoke on a wide range of topics, including meditation, love, relationships, sex, and spirituality.

Osho's philosophy is based on the idea that everyone is capable of becoming enlightened. He believed that enlightenment is not something that happens to you but something that you choose. He also believed that enlightenment is not something that is achieved in some distant future but something that is possible in the present moment.

Osho's life practices are designed to help people become enlightened. He developed a number of different meditation techniques, including Dynamic Meditation. He also taught people how to be more present in the moment and to live more authentically.

One of Osho's most famous sayings is, "Intelligence is the creative response to the moment." This is a beautiful and meaningful definition of intelligence. It suggests that intelligence is not about having a lot of knowledge or being able to solve complex problems. Rather, intelligence is about being able to respond to the moment in a way that is creative and effective.

Osho's definition of intelligence is particularly relevant in today's world, where we are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli. We need to be able to think critically and make intelligent decisions in order to navigate this complex and ever-changing world.

Osho's life practices can help us become more intelligent in the sense of being more creative, courageous, and authentic. By learning to be more present in the moment and to listen to our intuition, we can become more creative and effective in our responses to the challenges that life throws our way.

How Osho Helps People Become Enlightened by Enabling Them to Have a Deep Understanding

Osho helped people become enlightened by enabling them to have a deep understanding of themselves and the world around them. He taught people how to see through the illusions of the mind and to experience the world directly. He also taught people how to let go of their attachments and to live in the present moment.

One of the most important things that Osho taught people was how to be more aware of their thoughts and feelings. He taught people how to observe their thoughts without judgment and to see how their thoughts create their experiences. He also taught people how to be more aware of their bodies and to feel their emotions fully.

By becoming more aware of their thoughts and feelings, people can begin to understand themselves on a deeper level. They can also begin to see how their thoughts and feelings create their reality. This understanding is essential for enlightenment.

Osho also taught people how to let go of their attachments. He taught people that attachments are the root of suffering and that they prevent us from being truly happy. He taught people how to let go of their attachments to people, things, and ideas.

By letting go of their attachments, people can become more free and joyful. They can also become more open to new experiences and the possibilities of life.

Osho’s life and philosophy give beautiful inspiration about how to live in the present moment. He taught people that the present moment is the only thing that is real and that the past and the future are illusions of the mind. He taught people how to let go of the past and the future and to focus on the present moment.

By living in the present moment, we can experience the beauty and wonder of life. We can also become more peaceful and content.

Osho's teachings are profound and life-changing. He helps us become more intelligent, aware, compassionate, and enlightened. His legacy continues to inspire people all over the world.

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