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The Power of Yes: How to Transform Your Life with a Simple Word

Have you ever wondered how a single word can change your life? How can saying yes to yourself, to others, and to the universe open up new possibilities and opportunities? How can saying yes help you overcome your fears, doubts, and limitations? How can saying yes bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment?

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of yes as a powerful tool for personal transformation, inspired by the teachings of Osho, a mystic and spiritual master who advocated for a life of freedom, creativity, and love. We will also look at how yes is related to the Islamic practice of Talbiyah, the chant of the pilgrims who perform the Hajj, the sacred journey to Mecca.

What is Yes Meditation?

Osho, who was known for his unconventional and innovative methods of meditation, introduced a simple technique called Yes Meditation, which he described as follows:

"Start putting your energy into yes, make a mantra of yes. Sitting on your bed, begin repeating ‘Yes, yes’. Get in tune with it. First you will be just repeating it and then get into the feel of it, begin to sway with it. Allow it to come all over your being from head to toe. Let it penetrate you deeply" (Osho, n.d.).

The purpose of this meditation is to cultivate a positive attitude towards life, to accept everything that happens as a gift, and to surrender to the will of the divine. Osho explained that yes is a way of destroying the ego, which is the source of all suffering and conflict. He said:

“No is ego boosting; yes is ego destroyer. First figure out if you can say yes. If you cannot say yes, if it is impossible to say yes, only then say no" (Osho, n.d.).

By saying yes, we are affirming our existence, our gratitude, and our trust. We are saying yes to ourselves, to our potential, and to our growth. We are saying yes to others, to their uniqueness, and to their needs. We are saying yes to the universe, to its mystery, and to its guidance.

How is Yes related to Talbiyah?

Talbiyah is the Arabic word for the chant that Muslims recite when they perform the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the five pillars of Islam. The Talbiyah is:

"Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk, innal hamda wa-n-ni’mata laka wa-l-mulk, la sharika lak (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am. You have no partner; here I am. Verily all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner." (Labbayk, n.d.)

The word labbayk, which is repeated four times, means “here I am” or “at your service”. It is a way of expressing one’s readiness, obedience, and devotion to Allah. It is a way of saying yes to Allah, to His commands, and to His mercy. It is a way of acknowledging His oneness, His greatness, and His authority.

The Talbiyah is recited continuously by the pilgrims, especially when they enter the state of ihram, which is the sacred dress and state of purity that they must observe during the Hajj. The Talbiyah is also recited when they see the Kaaba, the black cube-shaped building that is the holiest site in Islam, and when they perform the rituals of the Hajj, such as circling the Kaaba, walking between the hills of Safa and Marwa, and standing on the plain of Arafat.

The Talbiyah is a way of connecting with Allah, with oneself, and with the millions of other pilgrims who share the same faith and the same goal. It is a way of purifying one’s heart, mind, and soul from the distractions and temptations of the world. It is a way of seeking forgiveness, guidance, and blessings from Allah.

The Benefits of Saying Yes

Whether we practice Yes Meditation or Talbiyah, or simply say yes to life in our daily situations, we can experience many benefits from this simple word. Some of these benefits are:

  • We become more open and receptive to new experiences, opportunities, and people.

  • We overcome our fears, doubts, and limitations and discover our true potential and purpose.

  • We develop a positive mindset and attitude and attract more positivity and abundance into our lives.

  • We cultivate gratitude and appreciation for everything that we have and everything that happens to us.

  • We enhance our relationships with ourselves, with others, and with the divine, and experience more love, harmony, and peace.

  • We express our authenticity, creativity, and uniqueness and contribute to the world in our own way.

How to Say Yes More Often

Saying yes may not always be easy, especially if we are used to saying no or if we face challenges, difficulties, or conflicts. However, we can learn to say yes more often by following some simple steps, such as:

  • Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions, and notice when you are resisting, rejecting, or judging something or someone.

  • Ask yourself why you are saying no and what are the consequences of saying no. Is it based on fear, doubt, or ego? Is it beneficial or harmful for you and others?

  • Consider the benefits of saying yes and how it can improve your situation, your mood, or your relationship. Is it based on love, trust, or growth? Is it aligned with your values and goals?

  • Choose to say yes, even if it feels uncomfortable, scary, or risky. Say it with conviction, enthusiasm, and sincerity.

The Yes Meditation is a simple practice that involves repeating the word “yes” with your whole being. You can do it anytime, anywhere, for as long as you want. The idea is to tune into the positive energy of yes and let it fill your body, mind, and soul. You can say yes to yourself, to others, to the present moment, to the divine, and to anything that comes your way. You can say yes to life.

The benefits of the Yes Meditation are manifold. It can help you:

  • Overcome your fears, doubts, and insecurities

  • Release your anger, resentment, and guilt

  • Heal your wounds, traumas, and pains

  • Open your heart, mind, and soul

  • Expand your awareness, consciousness, and intuition

  • Connect with your inner source, essence, and potential

  • Express your creativity, authenticity, and uniqueness

  • Attract more abundance, opportunities, and synchronicities

  • Experience more joy, peace, and bliss

The similarity between the Yes Meditation and the Islamic Talbiyah is not a coincidence. Both are expressions of the same universal truth: that we are all part of a greater reality, that we are all connected to a higher power, and that we are all here to fulfill a divine purpose. By saying yes, we acknowledge this truth, we align with this reality, and we surrender to this power. We become one with the source of all life.

So, how can you practice the Yes Meditation? Here are some simple steps:

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place where you can sit or lie down.

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind.

  • Start saying “yes” out loud or silently, with your voice or in your head. Say it with feeling, with enthusiasm, and with conviction.

  • Let the word “yes” resonate in your whole being. Feel it in your chest, in your belly, and in your limbs. Feel it in your thoughts, in your emotions, and in your sensations. Feel it in your spirit, in your soul, and in your essence.

  • Keep saying “yes” to whatever arises in your awareness. Say yes to your breath, to your heartbeat, and to your energy. Say yes to your memories, to your fantasies, and to your visions. Say yes to your hopes, to your dreams, and to your desires. Say yes to your challenges, to your problems, and to your fears. Say yes to your joys, to your sorrows, and to your pains. Say yes to your friends, to your enemies, and to your strangers. Say yes to yourself, to others, and to the world. Say yes to life.

  • Continue saying “yes” for as long as you want. You can do it for a few minutes or for hours. You can do it once a day or several times a day. You can do it whenever you feel like it or whenever you need it.

  • When you are ready, gently open your eyes and return to your normal state. Notice how you feel, what you think, and what you perceive. Observe the changes in your attitude, mood, and behavior. Appreciate the effects of the Yes Meditation on your life.

The Yes Meditation is a powerful and simple way to transform your life. By saying yes, you affirm your existence, you celebrate your being, and you embrace your destiny. You become a channel of positive energy, a magnet of divine grace, and a vessel of cosmic love. You become a yes to life.


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