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Trust God: When One Door Closes, Another Opens

Sometimes, we face situations in life where we try our best to open a door, and it doesn’t open. We may feel frustrated, disappointed, or even angry. We may wonder why God is not answering our prayers or fulfilling our desires. We may doubt His plan and His goodness for us.

But what if we look at these closed doors from a different perspective? What if we see them as signs of God’s guidance and protection? What if we trust that He is directing us to a better door, a door that is more aligned with His will and our purpose?

In this blog post, I want to share with you some insights on how to trust God when one door closes and another opens, especially focusing on the importance of trust, flow, and surrender together with effortless effort.

Trust God’s Sovereignty and Wisdom

The first thing we need to do when we face a closed door is to trust God’s sovereignty and wisdom. God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He knows everything that is happening, and He has a perfect plan for each one of us. He sees the big picture, and He knows what is best for us in the long run.

We may not understand why He closes some doors and opens others, but we can trust that He has a good reason for doing so. He is not random or capricious. He is not playing with our lives or testing our faith. He is working all things together for our good and His glory.

Therefore, we should not question His decisions or complain about His ways. We should not compare ourselves with others or envy their open doors. We should not lose hope or give up on our dreams. Rather, we should thank Him for His love and care and praise Him for His power and grace.

Flow with God’s Timing and Direction

The second thing we need to do when we face a closed door is to flow with God’s timing and direction. God is not only sovereign and wise, but He is also faithful and good. He has a specific time and place for everything that He does. He has a unique purpose and destiny for each one of us. He has a wonderful plan and vision for our lives.

We may not know when or where He will open a new door for us, but we can trust that He will do it at the right time and in the right way. He is not slow or late. He is not forgetful or neglectful. He is attentive and responsive to our needs and desires.

Therefore, we should not rush or force things to happen. We should not manipulate or control situations or people. We should not worry or stress about the future. Rather, we should wait patiently and expectantly for His guidance and provision and follow His lead and direction.

Surrender to God’s Will and Plan

The third thing we need to do when we face a closed door is to surrender to God’s will and plan. God is not only faithful and good, but He is also loving and gracious. He wants the best for us, and He gives us the best. He has a higher and deeper perspective than we do. He has a greater and better goal than we do.

We may not like or agree with His choices or actions, but we can trust that He knows what He is doing and He does what He says. He is not harsh or cruel. He is not indifferent or uncaring. He is compassionate and merciful to us.

Therefore, we should not resist or rebel against His will and plan. We should not argue or negotiate with Him. We should not doubt or fear His will and plan. Rather, we should submit humbly and willingly to His authority and sovereignty and accept joyfully and gratefully His gifts and blessings.

Effortless Effort

The fourth and final thing we need to do when we face a closed door is to practice effortless effort. This may sound like a paradox, but it is actually a powerful principle that can help us live in harmony with God and His will. Effortless effort means that we do our part, but we let God do His part. We work hard, but we rest in His grace. We act, but we trust in His power.

Effortless effort does not mean that we are passive or lazy. It does not mean that we do nothing or expect everything. It does not mean that we rely on ourselves or ignore God. Rather, it means that we cooperate with God and His work. We do what we can, but we leave the rest to Him. We use our abilities, but we depend on His resources.

Effortless effort is the balance between human responsibility and divine sovereignty. It is the harmony between our will and God’s will. It is the synergy between our effort and God’s grace.


When we face a closed door in life, we may feel discouraged or confused. We may wonder what God is doing and why He is doing it. We may question His love and His plan for us. But we can choose to trust Him, flow with Him, surrender to Him, and practice effortless effort. We can choose to believe that He is directing us to a better door, a door that will open up new opportunities, experiences, and blessings for us.

Remember, God is not closing doors to hurt us or limit us. He is closing doors to guide us and protect us. He is closing doors to prepare us and bless us. He is closing doors to show us His love and His power.

So, the next time you face a closed door, don’t be sad or angry. Don’t be anxious or impatient. Don’t be bitter or resentful. Instead, be thankful and hopeful. Be calm and peaceful. Be joyful and excited.

Because God is opening a new door for you—a door that is better than you can imagine, a door that is waiting for you to discover, a door that is leading you to your destiny.

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